We need your help
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To help support the animals donate here
Northwest SPCA is recognized as a non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization.
All donations are tax deductible.
Federal tax I.D. #94-2587540
Or you may send a check or money order to:
Northwest SPCA
2787 South 5th Avenue
Oroville Ca, 95965
Thank you for all the support
For more public information to help stop the spread of the Corona virus
click on the link below:
Butte county public health department
We are always in need of
Donations, including:
*Cat litter*
Blankets and Towels!
All of your donations are tax deductible and are greatly Appreciated!
If you would like to donate via Amazon Smile, please use the following link:
Charity Lists (amazon.com)